Tuesday Trivia Time!!!
Are you ready for some Tuesday Trivia? Today we’re going to do a word scramble! These are 10 scrapbook related words that you have to unscramble!
1. lpaah
2. epatmlte
3. erbeief
4. srppae
5. senlmete
6. doartrw
7. obiatlgrn
8. dprecsepsa
9. opbdiirkscintggolaa
10. ntsebiy'mori
Okay…now that you have the list here’s the rules! Please email your unscrambled words to christiedawn@gmail.com (please put Tuesday Trivia as the email subject). You have until Midnight CST tonight to get your list to me (10 pm PST, 11 pm MST, 12 am CST, 1 am EST) …and then I will choose a random winner from all the correct lists to win a $2 gift card to Misty’s Shop! So get to unscrambling! (I will probably post the winner sometime on Wednesday!) … and just a little hit words 6-10 are two words…Have Fun!
wooohooo...i hope i win